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Topic: Street play

Potential space? Play, parents and streets

In these reflections on this week’s Child in the City International Seminar in London, researcher Alison Stenning asks what playable neighbourhood space means for parents and other adults. She invokes the great play scholar Donald Winnicott in suggesting that...Read more
|3 comments|author: Alison Stenning

Closing streets to cars so kids can play

Overweight children. Urban isolation. Neighbours who’ve never spoken to each other. These are the problems being tackled by a free grassroots project encouraging kids all over the England to play in the road. In the Street...Read more
|Comment|author: Kim de Vos

New research highlights impact of street play

Two new reports highlight both the public health and the wider social benefits of children playing out in the streets where they live. Adrian Voce reports. New research, evaluating a three-year scheme funded by the UK...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Street play and everyday relationships

Children are at the heart of the street play movement, but geographer and academic Alison Stenning, reporting here from the Play And Playwork conference in Leeds this week, also sees exciting research opportunities into its...Read more
|Comment|author: Alison Stenning

Taming king car (part 3)

In this third and final part of his article about tackling the problem of traffic, as a priority for playable neighbourhoods and child-friendly cities, Adrian Voce wonders whether the UK’s new street play movement and its...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

10 (+1) steps to a playable city

A recent blog by the Canadian urbanist, Jillian Glover identified the ten features she believes are the key to building child-friendly cities. Yet there is a glaring omission from the list: nowhere, even in the...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce