Early bird registration is open now!

Write for Child in the City

We’re always looking for new authors.

Our aim is to create a communication platform through which subject matter experts (incl. children’s professionals, university lecturers, researchers, city planners, etc.) from all over the world share knowledge, good practice and research findings from the various disciplines that are important to the shared aim of creating child friendly cities. Our network of enthusiastic and dedicated writers produces articles on the following subjects:

  • Health
  • Participation
  • Mobility
  • Urban planning
  • Children’s geographies
  • Play
  • Intergenerational approaches
  • Poverty
  • Education

Why write for Child in the City?

a) Contribute to our aims of helping to transform the lives of children all over the world

Writing for Child in the City gives you a chance to take part in the growth of knowledge and understanding about how to improve the lives of children worldwide.

b) Reach a global audience

Once your article has been accepted for publication, we will publish it here on the Child in the City website, distribute it via our newsletter and share it through our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In): an international readership of thousands.

c) Build your international profile

All contributors are featured on our writer’s page with a photo and a short biography, which we can link to your website and social media profiles. You can also add an “About the Author” paragraph with a call to action at the bottom of your article.

What do we publish?

We publish different types of content: research findings, projects, news, interviews, opinions, blogs, and features.

Editorial policy

Our editors reserve the right to edit and shorten submissions as necessary. Occasionally, we may decide that a submission is not suitable for publishing. The editors will help ensure accuracy, good English and soundness of argument in each article. If we make significant alterations (as determined by the editing staff), we will consult with the writer or creator. We’ll schedule you for publication as soon as revisions are complete.

Criteria for writers

Professional or academic experience in the field of children and youth, or a relevant other field (e.g. urban planning). A short CV must be provided.



Must be written in English.
Should not be longer than 1200 words.
Should only include images for which there are all necessary rights and permissions.
Must fall within the CitC themes, outlined above.
Must contain new information about research, policy or practice.
Must cite relevant evidence for all claims and conclusions.
Should contain, wherever possible, links to further information in English, (or otherwise stated).
Must include (as part of by-line) details of writers’ role in projects, programmes or research.
Must use jargon-free professional language appropriate to the field of children’s rights and an international readership. Avoid terms that only have local or niche meaning.

Interested in writing for us? Please complete the form below: