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Topic: Outdoor play

Three ways to encourage outdoor play

Encouraging children to be active and play outdoors can be challenging. The problem arises from the fact that they’re comfortable indoors with their iPads, watching their favourite shows and eating snacks. Motivating children to be...Read more
|Comment|author: Bec Simon

The city of tomorrow reconquers cities for children

‘The city of tomorrow’ is an educational project that aims to include children and adolescents in the construction process of public space (squares, neighbourhoods, cities). Equipping them with the necessary tools to develop their creativity...Read more
|Comment|author: Sandra Gonzalez Alvarez
CC Flickr: Brisbane City Council

Designing a play space for everyone

Antonio Malkusak, has 27 years of experience in the play and playground industry and is considered one of the leading experts on inclusive play environment design. In this article for Child in the City, he...Read more
|Comment|author: Antonio Malkusak

Is joining the German army a game?

With its recent recruitment campaign, the German army has provoked outrage from children’s play advocates by comparing enlisting in the forces to playing outside; evoking, say its critics, some dark echoes from the country’s past. Berta Kaufmann reports. To invoke...Read more
|Comment|author: Darijana Hahn