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Topic: Housing

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Keeping our cities working

Making our biggest cities more efficient, affordable and accessible will raise the living standards of nearly all Australians, but it will also require some compromise. Australia’s economic future depends on the smooth operation of its big...Read more
|Comment|author: Ian Harper

Cities are not the enemies of children

Lia Karsten is the new president of the Child in the City’s Scientific Program Committee (SPC). She was chair of the 9th Child in the City world conference in Vienna and is excited to usher...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

National housing body calls for focus on play

A leading national housing body in the UK yesterday published a new report, Making Spaces for Play, which could lead to a more child-friendly approach to new developments. Adrian Voce reports. The UK’s National House Building Council...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Communities thrive in Vancouver’s housing co-ops

In this second part of her article about housing co-operatives in Vancouver, urbanist Jillian Glover discovers that co-ops have a rich community spirit – giving rise to a very high demand from families with children. When visiting...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce