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Topic: Urban planning

What happens when kids help design our cities

An innovative program in Colorado incorporates children’s ideas into city planning for friendlier, greener, and more inclusive spaces. What would cities look like if children had a say in their design? They would certainly be friendlier,...Read more
|Comment|author: Jill Suttie

The urban development expert in you and me

Jens Aerts will give his keynote presentation at the Child in the City International Seminar in Antwerp next month. His keynote is titled ‘Shaping a sustainable urban future for and by children’. In this interview,...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo
CC Pexels/Genaro Servín

Building cities for a changing climate

Our cities are responsible for a large chunk of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, so the way we plan and construct them has to adapt to the future impacts of climate change. Worldwide, buildings are responsible...Read more
|Comment|author: Dr Anna Hurlimann and Dr Georgia Warren-Myers

A handbook on child-responsive urban planning

‘Shaping urbanization for children’ is a free UNICEF handbook for child-responsive urban planning. The handbook demonstrates what is possible and attainable through child-responsive, area-based and community-led planning, in a local context. The handbook answers three questions: why planning...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

Should Urban Studies be taught in high school?

Vancouver-based urbanist Jillian Glover reflects on the new urban studies curriculum for high school students in British Columbia, Canada. When I was a child, I didn’t really understand what my Dad did for work. He was...Read more
|Comment|author: Jillian Glover