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Topic: Nature

Age diversity for social cohesion

Creating public space that encourages social integration has never been more important. Here, Samuel Williams of planning specialists Arup, explains why child-friendly cities must adopt inter-generational design principles. ‘Designing cities for all’ is easy to say but if...Read more
|Comment|author: Samuel Williams

Play Through the Eyes of a Child

Unique to the playing child, or children, at any one moment in time is the motivation to create something out of apparently nothing. Constantly exposed to so much stimuli. But with, often, limited opportunities to...Read more
|Comment|author: Jane Roberts

Biophilic cities: don’t forget the buildings!

Many recent movements have promoted the greening of cities and connecting children and families to nature. A growing body of research tells us that nature provides many benefits, including increased health and well-being. In participatory...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr

Natural space trains children’s mind

In northern European cities, there is a large number of wild and adventure playgrounds, where children can learn from nature and from their personal experiences. There are playgrounds planned in a way to stimulate an...Read more
|Comment|author: Chiara Carlucci

Children seek greater access to nature

Although city children want more contact with nature, they do not always feel they have enough access to – or freedom within – the natural spaces that are already there. In a recent analysis of...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr