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Topic: Digital rights

Germany bans smart watches for children

Concerns over smart watches for children breaching Germany’s strict surveillance laws have led to a ban on their sale by the country’s telecommunications regulator. The Guardian reports. Germany’s telecoms regulator has banned the sale of “smart watches”...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Are smart phones really the death of children’s play?

Many of the current conversations on children’s use of mobile phones sound dire warnings, even foretelling the ‘death of childhood’ itself. However, argues playworker and geographer Chris Martin, different standpoints can contribute alternative, more complex perspectives,...Read more
|Comment|author: Chris Martin

An updated UNCRC for the digital age

UK children’s rights academic Sonia Livingstone has “edited” the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to reflect the digital world in which we live today. The Convention was adopted in 1989 and, since...Read more
|Comment|author: Sonia Livingstone