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Topic: Children's playgrounds

Rocket's Universe Playground, photos courtesy of Shane's Inspiration

Changing perceptions, transforming play

The neighbourhood playground is an environment where families create community. But for decades, an entire group was missing from these vital hubs: caregivers and children with disabilities, who make up 19% of the US population. Two...Read more
|Comment|author: The Play and Playground Magazine

Outdoor play for Dutch children declines

‘Dull play areas’ are the reason why two-thirds of Dutch children never play outside or only once a week, according to research. This alarming trend equates to a 10 per cent rise in the last...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

Pixelating our playgrounds

As parents, consumers, and citizens, how should we respond to the rise of digital technology in our parks? Children’s playgrounds are becoming increasingly digitised through the ubiquity of mobile devices and interactive games. Anyone with a...Read more
|Comment|author: Linda McSweeny

The risk-benefit equation of challenging playgrounds

Over-protective attitudes to risk and safety can lead to the real long-term risks arising from inactivity in children. Playground designers, says Jeanette Fich Jespersen of the KOMPAN Play Institute, must resist risk averse pressures and...Read more
|Comment|author: Jeanette Fich Jespersen

Fight for iconic Mexican playground

A unique 50-year old playground in Guadalajara, Mexico is under threat of closure. Playgroundology’s Alex Smith thinks this would be a tragedy, and here describes the campaign to keep it open. Public playspaces are joyful places. They’re filled with laughter,...Read more
|Comment|author: Alex Smith