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Topic: Children and media

Image: CC Flickr/N i c o l a

Teens’ screen time linked to ADHD symptoms

A new study has found a link between teenagers’ frequent use of digital media and symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Digital media is easily accessible on mobile phones and consists of everything from texting to...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

CITC Weekly Roundup: Friday April 20

Here is our weekly round-up of global stories concerning children, their rights and their wellbeing. This week we take a look at a funeral fund for English children, free digital literacy workshops in Canadian cities and a report that claims...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

Talking to children about terrorism

When randomly violent things happen in places that are familiar to children, their fear and anxiety can be very real, even if they do not mention it. After the shocking events in central London this week, Nicky...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce