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Topic: Youth

CCO Pexels/Lukas

Updated guidelines for US children and youth

Earlier this month the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. There are new key guidelines for children ages three through five and updated...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo
Melvin "Buddy" Baker/Flickr

What’s it like to be young and from overseas in Australia?

The first ever census of young Australians from refugee and migrant backgrounds paints a mixed picture of optimism and belonging against a backdrop of ongoing discrimination. The majority of refugee and migrant young Australians feel strongly...Read more
|Comment|author: Professor Johanna Wyn, Dr Rimi Khan and Dr Babak Dadvand
Tom Driggers/Flickr

Give young people a voice on global issues

“Young people must become a key part of decision-making processes if global goals for tackling climate challenge and sustainable development goals are to be met”. That’s the conclusion of Asif Iftakhar and Nishat Tabassum, youth...Read more
|Comment|author: Asif Iftakhar and Nishat Tabassum

Rail company bans device targeting youths

The main train operating company in Scotland has banned the use of controversial anti-loitering devices, known as ‘Mosquitos’, at train stations across the network, after they were condemned by the country’s Children’s Commissioner as an...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce