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Topic: Growing Up Boulder

What happens when kids help design our cities

An innovative program in Colorado incorporates children’s ideas into city planning for friendlier, greener, and more inclusive spaces. What would cities look like if children had a say in their design? They would certainly be friendlier,...Read more
|Comment|author: Jill Suttie

Children seek greater access to nature

Although city children want more contact with nature, they do not always feel they have enough access to – or freedom within – the natural spaces that are already there. In a recent analysis of...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr

Parks for teens: 10 features teens want to see

In many parts of the world, park designers have turned to nature play as a way to foster connections to nature, increase social and cooperative play, and facilitate more physical activity.  In many instances, these...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr