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Topic: Children and social media


Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross have updated fairy tale Goldilocks in order to help educate children on how to use social media responsibly. The new #Goldilocks book marks the launch of the Digital Parenting website for...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo
CC Flickr: Devon Christopher Adams

CITC Weekly Roundup: Friday 25 May

Here is our weekly round-up of global stories concerning children, their rights, and their wellbeing. This week we take a look at the different ways social media impacts children’s food intake, their mental health and puts them at risk...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

Are smart phones really the death of children’s play?

Many of the current conversations on children’s use of mobile phones sound dire warnings, even foretelling the ‘death of childhood’ itself. However, argues playworker and geographer Chris Martin, different standpoints can contribute alternative, more complex perspectives,...Read more
|Comment|author: Chris Martin