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Topic: Adventure playground

CC Flickr/Tom Caswell

Adventure Play in 70s East London P2

This article presents the second part of a case study interview with Tom Burns. In it, we discuss early adventure pioneers and how Tom went about setting up an adventure playground.  Tom Burns works as a...Read more
|Comment|author: Tom Burns Sandra Abegglen and David Blundell

Look back in play – part 4

In the final part of her piece about play and space, inspired by Abdul Chowdry’s discovered photographs of the adventure playground where she played as a child, landscape architect Maisie Rowe reflects on the significance...Read more
|Comment|author: Maisie Rowe

Save Junk Playgrounds | Emdrup

Skrammellegeplasden in Emdrup has been described as the birthplace of ‘modern’ playwork. The junk playground has served as a beacon and inspiration for playworkers all over the world but is now under threat from similar...Read more
|2 comments|author: Steven Chown