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Topic: Urbanism

10 ideas to transform the future of public spaces

African public spaces are complex, especially so against the backdrop of fast urbanising cities and increasing socio-economic volatility. Public space in South Africa was, and in some instances still remains, a contentious issue due to apartheid spatial planning...Read more
|Comment|author: Future Cape Town

Reclaiming public space through play

Can playing be used as a tool to reclaim cities for people; involving both children and adults in a process to re-inhabit public space? We can assert, yes, it can. The experience of “FLPP. Fronte...Read more
|Comment|author: TaMaLaCa - Interdisciplinary research group

10 ways to build a city for children

The Vancouver-based urbanist, Jillian Glover, an advisor to the Canadian government who runs the ‘This City Life’ blog-site, has identified the ten features that she believes are the key to building child-friendly cities. Suggesting that,...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce