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Topic: European Union

EU Access City Award 2019 up for grabs

European cities working to improve quality of life for all citizens can apply for the Access City Award 2019.  The European Union (EU) award is designed to recognise and celebrate a city’s willingness, ability and efforts...Read more
|Comment|author: Simon Weedy

Child migrant rights part of EU Charter

A framework for protecting the rights of EU migrant children forms part of a new report on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights.  The European Commission has published its annual report on the charter, which brings together...Read more
|Comment|author: Simon Weedy

‘Opening doors for Europe’s children’

An alliance of national and international NGOs across Europe is calling for an ‘end to the era of institutional care in Europe’. They want major reform of children’s care services, the ‘deinstitutionalisation’ of child protection and...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

What has the EU ever done for children?

In the wake of the UK government’s triggering of article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, thereby formally beginning the process that will lead to Britain’s exit from the European Union, and in the light of...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Eurochild report highlights child poverty

The EU’s economic policy framework continues to miss the opportunity to tackle child poverty, which affects more than one child in four in the EU, according to the latest report from Eurochild. Eurochild’s latest yearly report on the...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Vote play, vote to stay

There are good practical reasons for play advocates to vote ‘remain’, but perhaps, suggests Adrian Voce, none of these matter. The play movement is innately open and inclusive; the opposite of the leave campaign’s main...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce