On December 17th, 2018 the city of Chennai opened it’s the first inclusive and disabled-friendly park. The Infinity Park in Santhome, is a sensory park that caters to all children. Making this India’s eighth inclusive park.
The park...Read more
School pupils in The Netherlands have joined thousands more across the world in ‘making some noise’ about improving access to education for all children with disabilities.
‘We Ring the Bell’ (Wij trekken aan de bel) is...Read more
A pilot study reveals a number of existing playgrounds in Hong Kong lack inclusive facilities that cater to the needs of disabled children. The research also highlights obstacles and opportunities for change.
Researchers found no...Read more
The United Nations has strongly criticised the treatment of disabled children in the UK and calls on the government to take action to provide better support.
The United Nations committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has published...Read more
Children’s right to play is universal, but often overlooked. This is especially true for refugee children. When they are also disabled, the neglect of this essential human right – so important for children trying to...Read more
Disabled children are more likely to be financially and socially disadvantaged than their non-disabled peers and, with child poverty in Scotland on the rise, their right to play and enjoy their own cultural lives is...Read more
Like most people, disabled children like to garden; but many of those affected by physical, mental or sensory impairments may not get the opportunity. Society has a responsibility to offer all children the benefits of...Read more