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Topic: Development

After school activities can change a child’s life

Educationalists believe that extracurricular activities, sports, fitness and recreation programs are integral to the education and allowing children to get involved can help them to develop social skills and develop academic performance. Educational Volunteers Foundation in Turkey implement educational programs...Read more
|Comment|author: Marketa Vesela

Children get to build their own playground

City leaders in the United Kingdom initiated a project, which enabled children from deprived areas to actively participate in the design of a play facility. The project was funded by the UK Big Lottery to...Read more
|Comment|author: Marketa Vesela

What happens when children direct their own play

According to research, although play is essential in every child’s life adults find defining and understanding children’s play a challenge. Therefore, playground designers develop tools which help them to understand what happens in the children’s world...Read more
|Comment|author: Marketa Vesela