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Topic: Children and nature

iVamos Afuera! – taking it outside in California

In this second part of their article about revisioning outdoor space as places of belonging, Jordin Simons and Victoria Derr explore one approach to building community connections to parks through a statewide initiative to engage children...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr

The return of the natives

Many children from lower income families do not get the opportunity to enjoy nature, even close to their homes. In this article, Nancy Vielmas and Victoria Derr, of the California State University, Monterey Bay, describe Return of...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr

Salzburg series on children in parks

A high level international seminar series is focusing its current programme on the issue of children’s access to green space. Adrian Voce reports. The Salzburg Global Seminar series is holding a 5-day programme, which began on 18 March,...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Scandinavia’s amazing nature-based education system

This new award-winning documentary reveals the stark contrasts between America’s obsession with standardized tests, at the cost of everything else, and Scandinavia’s embrace of all things nature-based. It’s clear which is the more successful approach. There...Read more
|Comment|author: Katherine Martinko

Nature, Health, and the Equity of Urban Parks

An exciting number of studies are demonstrating the important health benefits nature provides for children (Chawla 2015). Two studies published this summer also show these health benefits can last into adulthood (Pensini, Horn and Caltabiano...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr