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Topic: Cyber-bullying

CC Flickr: Devon Christopher Adams

CITC Weekly Roundup: Friday 25 May

Here is our weekly round-up of global stories concerning children, their rights, and their wellbeing. This week we take a look at the different ways social media impacts children’s food intake, their mental health and puts them at risk...Read more
|Comment|author: Julia Zvobgo

An urban understanding of cyberbullying

Research has found that in many countries around the world cyberbullying rates have actually tripled over the last few years. That means that 87 percent of today’s youth have encountered or witnessed some form of...Read more
|Comment|author: Charlotte Williams

What to do about cyberbullying

Anxiety about online risks can obscure the real benefits of digital competence for children and young people. This short overview of some of the research in this area, by Kaylor Garcia and Deborah Temkin, suggests that cyberbullying is a...Read more
|Comment|author: Kaylor Garcia