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Topic: Children's right to play

Supporting play for children in crisis

The International Play Association (IPA) has published a report of its work to support access to play opportunities for children living in crisis. Adrian Voce reports. The IPA World Conference in Istanbul 2014 agreed to undertake...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Play policy push in South Africa

On 31 May 2017, the national play advocacy body, A Chance to Play Southern Africa (ACTPSA) launched its new campaigning document, The Child’s Right to Play: a policy brief for South Africa, in Johannesburg. Adrian Voce reports on...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

Wales leads the way in legislating for play

Young children have the enviable ability to turn almost anything, anywhere into play. So if children’s play just happens, why should national government intervene?  Across much of the world, children’s opportunities for outdoor free play, and...Read more
|1 comment|author: Jenny Wood