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Welsh Play Workforce Study 2021

Image: Play Wales

The play workforce in Wales is examined in detail in the newly-published Welsh Play Workforce Study 2021.

Three overlapping areas are focused on: strategic, links between the strategic and practice, and the play workforce itself. The study also aims to contribute to the 2019-21 Welsh Government Ministerial Review of Play.

The basis for the report was a six-month study between June and December 2021, and carried out for Play Wales by Swansea Swansea Universityā€™s Dr Pete King and Dr Justine Howard. Their findings were compiled through:

  • a nationwide online survey
  • interviews with three leading national organisations involved in play and playwork in Wales
  • interviews with lead Play Sufficiency Assessment officers across the 22 local authorities
  • a focus group
  • interviews with the workforce.

As well as an overview of the methodology, the executive summary features a list of 16 findings, and an analysis of the results including comparisons between 2021 findings and those from the last workforce study in 2008.

Play Wales, the national body for play, says the report – in looking at the current state of affairs across the workforce – ‘indicates that there are similarities between playworkers, childcare and early years workers and other play professionals, for example gender. However, there are also some clear differences in relation to age, employment, salary, and qualifications between the three groups.ā€™

The study focused on those who work directly with children and young people. The Welsh Play Workforce Survey generated 384 responses from playworkers, childcare and early years workers and from other play professionals, for example people who use play in hospitals.

Click here for an executive summary of the report.

Author: Simon Weedy

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