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Play Wales: Weighing up risks and benefits in children’s play

Play Wales has published a new information sheet aimed at helping children’s play organisers take the right approach in decision-making over play infrastructure.

Tim Gill, the respected writer and advocate for children’s play and mobility, has written the guide for the independent charity which is funded by the Welsh Government. It works to raise awareness of children and young people’s need and right to play and to promote good practice at every level of decision making and in every place where children might play

It says that the new information resource is designed to set out ‘why a balanced, thoughtful approach to managing risks in children’s play is needed’. It also aims to give an overview of risk-benefit assessment (RBA), which, says the charity, is widely accepted as a suitable approach.

‘Promotes good practice at every level’

Weighing up risks and benefits in children’s play is aimed at all those who have an interest in children’s play, including playworkers, providers and managers of play settings, educators, health and safety professionals, risk managers and decision makers.

In his latest book, Urban Playground, published earlier this year, Tim set out what he called the ‘basic case for cities to be sustainable, equitable, healthy places for children to live, play and grow up’.

“Looking at planning and design through children’s eyes does not just offer fresh perspectives and a compelling new urban vision – it reveals the best way to set cities on a firm course away from ecological, economic and social decay,” he says.

Click here for the Play Wales document in pdf format or view it online.

Author: Simon Weedy

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