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The City at Eye Level for Kids

Image: www.stipo.nl

Dutch urban design firm STIP has produced a book for children which takes a look at the city landscape from their eyes.

The City at Eye Level for Kids is the result of close working between a host of urban design professionals, and is supported by the Bernard van Leer’s Urban95 programme, which works to improve the lives of children living in cities worldwide.

Described by the authors as a ‘book, an open-source learning network and a programme for improving cities, streets and places all over the world’, it focuses on the view of children and their carers in the cities, and the active that they should have in making cities a desirable place to be.

Looking at the city from a child’s eyes

It includes more than 60 research examples, city programmes, case studies and personal stories from 30 countries around the world.

“Great streets, places where you intuitively want to stay longer, interaction between buildings and streets on a human scale, ownership by users, placemaking and good plinths (active ground floors) and a people-centred approach based on the user’s experience – that’s what The City at Eye Level is all about,” says STIPO.

Th e-book The City at Eye Level for Kids is available open source and can be downloaded and shared within your professional networks for free. The hardback version costs 22,50 Euros and can be ordered here.

Visit STIPO’s website for more information about their work.

Author: Simon Weedy

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