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Topic: Right to play

Building inclusive play spaces

Anne-Marie Spencer argues building inclusive play spaces is possible when we consider the whole child, whole environment, and whole community. Inclusive play. Ask 10 people what it means and it’s quite possible you’ll get 10 different...Read more
|2 comments|author: Anne-Marie Spencer

Supporting play for children in crisis

The International Play Association (IPA) has published a report of its work to support access to play opportunities for children living in crisis. Adrian Voce reports. The IPA World Conference in Istanbul 2014 agreed to undertake...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

UN links child-friendliness to environment

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s report of its General Discussion Day on children and the environment makes links between children’s freedom to play, and their ability to enjoy a healthy, sustainable environment....Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce