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New field trips added to CITC Brussels Conference

Brussels, host city for Child in the City World Conference 2023 (Photo by Francisco Conde Sánchez - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Five more exciting field trips have been added to the agenda for our forthcoming Child in the City World Conference.

The host city of Brussels has a hugely diverse population, and this is reflected in the variety of projects which are helping to improve the lives of children and young people.

Building the Future is the theme for our conference, so it’s fitting that – in addition to the foot, bicycle and tram-based tours we’ve already told you about – we can announce these additional field trips which are helping, in so many different ways, prepare young people for their own futures:

  • Bockstael bike tour – this will show you how children are living and playing in between old neighbourhoods and new developments
  • Bizet/Biestebroeck – on this tour we will cycle along the canal to the Anderlecht neighbourhood of Biestebroeck, an abandoned industrial zone which is set for renovation, where we will see four temporary initiatives for ‘the young and the bold’
  • Belgian Comics: Adults Allowed – This walk takes in the Comics Art Museum and the Comic Book Wall Tour
  • Anneesens Bourse Dansaert – on this ‘solidarity’ tour, we will visit organisations located in the heart of the city which cater for the needs of young adults in very different situations
  • Workshop Democracity Belvue Museum – the Democracity workshop is a fun, role-playing games which gives participants the chance to learn about how democracy works.

Click here for more information on all of our planned field trips, which take place across the three days of the conference, from 20-22 November.

Have you booked your place yet? It promises to be a wonderful opportunity to hear about good practice and learn from your peers. But don’t just take our word for it – watch a special welcome video by Ans Persoons, the dedicated Brussels Secretary of State for Urbanism & Youth, who will be opening our conference.

Click here for the registration page – we look forward to seeing you in Brussels!

Author: Simon Weedy

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