Last chance to send us your Child in the City abstract proposals!
You still have today – May 30 – submit your abstract proposal for the Child in the City World Conference 2023.
We’d love for you to share details of the work you are doing on behalf of children, so don’t delay in sending us your proposal, as the closing date is midnight on 31 May.
Our flagship conference will this year be held in The Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels from November 20-22, and naturally the focus will be on we can all best work for the interests of children in cities everywhere.
Our Scientific Program Committee (SPC) has chosen Building the Future as the theme for 2023, under five key topics: Building on creativity, Building on intergenerational cohesion, Building on (international) solidarity; Building on participation & democracy; Building on young people-friendly urban space.
Abstracts should be submitted in English and not exceed 200 words. Members of the Child in the City Foundation’s Scientific Program Committee will review each abstract under the following criteria:
- Title, names and affiliations of the presenter (s) should be mentioned .
- Type of presentation (paper, poster, panel).
- Category: academic, policy or good practice presentation.
- Content: what is the issue you want to discuss and to which of the five topics does it refer?
- Evidence: What data are your conclusions and/or acclaimed success of projects based on?
- Creativity and innovative new insights.
- Language: logical argumentation in correct English
We also welcome a small number of presentations which are not strictly related to the conference’s five key topics as outlined above. We would be delighted to receive innovative, high quality abstract proposals that will be grouped together in our ‘varia workshops’.
** All abstracts must be submitted before 00:00 hours, May 31, 24.00 hours Central European time (CET)**
For more information please visit the Child in the City World Events website at or email Rob Vos, at