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Safer Internet Day 2022 – Together for a better internet


Today, 9 February, is Safer Internet Day, and an opportunity for everyone who works for children – from policymakers to health professionals to media outlets – to raise awareness of children and young people’s online safety and wellbeing.

Organised by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, Safer Internet Day is held every February to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology, especially among children and young people.

One of the European bodies which puts safeguarding and promoting the digital rights of children is the Council of Europe (CoE). It says the right to access and safe use of technologies remains one of the key priorities in the upcoming Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022–2027), expected to be adopted this week by the Committee of Ministers .

The CoE says it is ‘strongly committed to fighting sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children online’, through the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) and bilateral and regional projects.

‘Safeguard and promote children’s digital rights’

Today it invites partners from government institutions and non-governmental organisations to focus on this topic and join in the various activities and actions. The CoE’s awareness resources and campaigns are aimed at various target groups – children, young people, parents, educators and responsible persons – to encourage all people to contribute to a safer internet.

It has made available a number of key resources aimed at, among others, child professionals and policymakers, and include:

Follow the day’s activities via social media at #CoE4Children #ChildRights #OCSEA #SaferInternetDay

Author: Simon Weedy

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