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Supporting the right to play in schools in Wales

The Play Wales charity has re-published a briefing document for school heads, teachers and governors which highlights the benefits of play in school for youngsters’ health and well-being.

Focus on Play examines the ways in which schools can promote play, as Play Wales continues to help children deal with the uncertainties posed by the pandemic over the past 18 months.

Originally written to support schools which were re-opening after the national lockdowns, the guide remains a relevant and valuable resource, and features information about:

  • The right to play
  • Play and well-being
  • Creating the conditions for play
  • The role of schools in supporting play
  • Actions to turn policy into practice.

Though aimed mainly at head teachers, teachers and school governors, it also offers useful information for all those with a responsibility for providing opportunities for children to play.

“Playing is the most natural and enjoyable way for children to keep well and be happy,” it says. “Supporting play is a vital element of supporting re-engagement and transition. When children return to school, efforts to improve well-being should focus on providing sufficient time and space for play. This will enable children to be given time to rebuild relationships, social skills and connections with the school environment,” adds the document.

Click here to view it online and here to download as a pdf.

Author: Simon Weedy

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