Play manifesto aims to make Wales ‘a play-friendly place’
Play Wales’ manifesto, Wales – a play friendly place, calls on the next Welsh Government to continue to prioritise play, and urges all political parties to carry on supporting the implementation of the statutory Play Sufficiency Duty.
With the country still in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, Play Wales is calling on the next Government to continue its strong tradition of supporting children’s right to play. It says it ‘urges’ parties to make cross-policy commitments to ensure children’s opportunities to play increase and improve. Prioritising children’s play, it says, brings families and communities proven benefits, both immediately and in the long term.
The forthcoming Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament election, on 6 May 2021, will provide the country with an opportunity to highlight Play Wales’ aims for play in Wales. The manifesto and supporting factsheet can be useful to help form questions to ask politicians as they begin their local campaigning in the lead up to the election.
Play Wales has shared this manifesto with the major political parties in Wales and says it hopes parties will find it useful when developing their own priorities and agenda. It has the potential, it adds, ‘to influence the actions of the next government of Wales’.