Eurochild and UNICEF join forces for child data study
Eurochild says there is an ‘unacceptable lack of data’ on children without or at risk of losing parental care in Europe today, and that what data is available is typically not disaggregated, for example by age, gender, disability.
Where data is available, monitoring continues to be haphazard and often relies on the work of non-government organisations (NGOs) to fill in the gaps, such as what it tried to achieve accomplish with partners in the Opening Doors for Europe’s children campaign country factsheets in recent years.
‘Addressing these gaps around data for children’
“In brief, the lack of recent quantitative data on children without or at risk of losing parental care is a major obstacle in the development and implementation of comprehensive deinstitutionalisation strategies. Indeed, the systematic collection of accurate data on the numbers and characteristics of children in care, the root causes of institutionalisation and the function of the child protection system as a whole is crucial and can help ensure better policies, improve the state’s ability to protect and promote children’s rights and lead to sustainable reforms.
‘A window of opportunity’
“With these challenges in mind, in 2020 Eurochild, in partnership with UNICEF, will map the child protection data collection systems across 27 EU Member States,” it adds.