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Meet the chairwomen of the CitC Antwerp Seminar

Photo by kinkate from Pexels

For each day of the Child in the City International Seminar in Antwerp, there will be a different chairwoman present to oversee the proceedings of the day. Meet the chairwomen for the seminar ‘Children in the sustainable city‘. The seminar takes places next week 20-21 May 2019. 

The seminar opens on Monday, May 20th with a field trip to the Brederode neighbourhood. In the afternoon the plenary session takes place with An Piessens the chairwoman of the day.

An Piessens’ main concern during her career is to understand children’s perspectives. She has done research on children’s perspectives on friendly cities and spaces, on playing and free time and recently, on the organization of free time in asylum centres.

Another constant factor is her trying to integrate the results of this research into richer practices, which explains why she would not only describe herself as a researcher but also as an activist. Since 2017, An works for the Centre of Expertise in Pedagogical Support in Childcare and School at Karel de Grote University College, Antwerp.

An Piessens.

On the second and final day of the seminar, Dietlinde Willockx will be the chairwoman. In the afternoon of May 21st the closing ceremony will take place. Willockx will moderate a panel discussion with the following panellists; Leo Van Broeck (the Flemish Government Architect), Jens Aerts (Urban planning and policy expert at UNICEF), Jinnih Beels (Alderwoman for Youth, City of Antwerp), Lia Karsten (President of the Scientific Program Committee Child in the City Foundation), Filp Smits (Director Urban planning City of Antwerp) and a special guest from Youth4Climate.

Since 2014, Dietlinde Willockx has been the head of the Centre of Expertise in Childcare and School at Karel de Grote University College. The centre conducts practice oriented research in several fields related to childcare and children’s free time. At it broadest, the centre strives towards a more caring society, based on Joan Tronto’s ideas on caring democracy. In a narrower perspective, the centre aims to strengthen professionals working with young children.

Dietlinde Willockx.

In her own research, Dietlinde concentrates on sustainability, perspectives on parental involvement and experiences of professionals during transitions. She likes methodologies that are in one way or another based in language, which is perhaps a legacy of her PhD in language and literature.

The Chairwomen of the Child in the City International Seminar in Antwerp are just some of the fascinating people you will meet at the seminar. Don’t miss a chance to be part of an international network that promotes the rights and well-being of children throughout Europe and beyond. The aim of this seminar is to bring together expertise from both the disciplines of sustainability and urban childhood.

The Child in the City International Seminar on ‘Children in the sustainable city’ takes place in Antwerp 20-21 May 2019. Spaces are limited so register today. Click here to register. 

Author: Julia Zvobgo

Julia Zvobgo is a Cultural Anthropologist. She is also the Community Manager and Events Manager of Child in the City.

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