Early bird registration is open now!

Tristan Lydiksen second keynote speaker at the Child in the City International Seminar in Rotterdam

60% of all jobs 10 years from now have not been invented yet. That is a general rule of thumb, and it demonstrates that we are planning cities for the partially unknown. However, we do know that play is one of the most efficient ways of developing 21st century skills in our children.

Rene Tristan LydikasnThe second keynote speaker at the Child in the City International Seminar: Dr. René Tristan Lydiksen will give three inspiring examples during his presentation of how cities can plan for the future scenario today with play. Lydiksen is Chief Marketing Officer at KOMPAN and previously the Managing Director of LEGO® Education International.

First keynote speaker
The first keynote speaker announced at the seminar is Ken Worpole, Emeritus Professor at The Cities Institute, London Metropolitan University. His presentation has the subject: Planners make spaces, children make places.

Ken Worpole“Spaces only become places when they are invested with multiple experiences and multiple meanings. How can we help children and young people ‘read’ the city and invest its streets, parks and public places with their own experiences?”, says Worpole.

see all speakers Child in the City International Seminar

Seminar programme
The seminar takes place on the 19th and 20th of June in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The seminar programme will include plenary sessions, high-level discussions, interactive parallel sessions, interesting field trips and many opportunities to share experiences with people who are also active for children well being.


  • The right for children to be involved in urban planning
  • Urban development from a family perspective

Registration for this international seminar is now open on the website.

I look forward to seeing you in Rotterdam!

Kim de Vos
Project manager

Author: Kim de Vos

Kim de Vos is Project Manager Events at ProMedia Europoint. Amongst others she is the project manager involved at Child in the City.

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