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Revitalising playgrounds leads to happy children

In order to improve the quality of life for the children and citizens of Zabok, a town in the northern part of Croatia, playgrounds and parks have been renewed and revitialised as part of the “Improving playgrounds in Zabok” program led by the Society “Our Children” Zabok. 

Child experts claim that it is often on the playground that children learn who they are, and how to understand the world they live in. It has been said that the skills that children learn on the playground become lifelong skill sets. It is for these reasons that maintaining and enhancing playgrounds and play areas is so important.

Child-friendly Zabok

Zabok is a small town and municipality in the northwest of Croatia. It has a population of 9,000 and is located 40 kilometers from the Croatia’s capital, Zagreb.

Zabok’s local authorities have been focusing their efforts on implementing programmes that promote the health and well-being of their citizens including children and young people in the area. For this reason Zabok has already achieved the status of Children Friendly City”. 

Zabok has several governmental and non-governmental institutions that are involved in activities to ensure well-being and safety of the local children. The most active among them is a non-governmental organisation called Society “Our Children“. Society “Our Children” engage in activities that promote children’s rights, especially the right to play and the children’s active participation.

“It must be emphasized that Zabok’s local authorities financially support all activities and the overall portfolio of the programms organised by the Society “Our Children” Zabok, ” said Jasenka Borovcak, Secretary, Society “Our chidlren” Zabok.

Renewal projects

Through a collaborative effort of the Town of Zabok, the Children’s City council and volunteers, the Society “Our Children” Zabok have initiated a number of projects that helped to restore community parks and revitalise the play areas.

Park of Milan Prpic 

Zabok’s centrally located park “Park of Milan Prpic” that is very popular for toddlers has been revitalised with new equipment, benches and areas for play.

“The park shined in a new light”, said Borovcak.

Following the success of the newly restored park, redevelopment of city playgrounds and other parks continued.

Playground Vatican 

“A very popular playground “Vatican”and a playground that is located at the kindergarden and nursery “Zipkica” were installed with new play equipment,” added Borovcak.


Through the leadership of the Children’s City Council, funds were secured to obtain “Humanitarian karaoke” equipment which is very popular with the children.

“The entire project has been supported by a number of volunteering organisations including Children’s Forum, the Volunteer Clubs of High School and from the School of Arts with the aim to promote child participation and volunteering activities for the benefit of the community,” concluded Borovcak.

About Society “Our Children”

Society “Our children” Zabok is a voluntary, non-governmental, nonprofit, educational and humanitarian civil organization including parents and friends of children. It is continuously  implementing programs, actions and activities for the children of Zabok in their free time. These activities are intended for children of preschool and primary school age. The basic starting point for Society “Our children“ Zabok is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the work of this association is based on the voluntary work of its members, promoting the idea of voluntarism among young people and providing training opportunities, inclusion and donating one’s free time to the benefit of children.

Author: Marketa Vesela

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