Child in the City international seminar Child Poverty in Western Cities


We welcome you to meet the speakers presenting at the Child in the City International Seminar: Child poverty in Western Cities. Children’s professionals, university lecturers, researchers and city planners from all over the world will share their knowledge and research on child friendly cities.

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Laia Pineda, Director of the Childhood and Adolescence Institute of Barcelona
Laia Pineda, Director of the Childhood and Adolescence Institute of Barcelona
Play and leisure are vital childhood activities, that are essential for the integral development of the child, as it is pointed in the 31st article of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  Both -play and leisure- are as fundamental as any other right in the UNCRC. Assuming that and as…
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Gill Main, Associate Professor in Childhood Studies in the School of Education, University of Leeds
Gill Main, Associate Professor in Childhood Studies in the School of Education, University of Leeds
Child poverty has devastating impacts for children, families, communities, and society as a whole. We hear a great deal about poverty in the media and from politicians – usually with emphasis on what families in poverty are getting wrong, and how policy can be used to effect changes in their behaviours, motivations, and ambitions. We hear much less…
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Johanna Sellis, Senior Policy Advisor Strategy, Policy and Projects Municipality of Hoogeveen
Johanna Sellis, Senior Policy Advisor Strategy, Policy and Projects Municipality of Hoogeveen
Two cities – one ambition This session will describe the journey of two municipalities who have both been on a journey of becoming child-friendly. Leeds, a large city in the north of the UK and Hoogeveen, a smaller town in the Netherlands have both committed to become child-friendly. For the past four years, we have…
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Sue Rumbold, Chief Officer in Leeds Children’s Services
Sue Rumbold, Chief Officer in Leeds Children’s Services
This session will describe the journey of two municipalities who have both been on a journey of becoming child-friendly. Leeds, a large city in the north of the UK and Hoogeveen, a smaller town in the Netherlands have both committed to become child-friendly. For the past four years, we have been working closely together to…
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Andy Lloyd, Head of Children’s Workforce Development in Leeds Children’s Services
Andy Lloyd, Head of Children’s Workforce Development in Leeds Children’s Services
Two cities – one ambition This session will describe the journey of two municipalities who have both been on a journey of becoming child-friendly. Leeds, a large city in the north of the UK and Hoogeveen, a smaller town in the Netherlands have both committed to become child-friendly. For the past four years, we have…
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Gert Vos, Alderman Municipality of Hoogeveen
Gert Vos, Alderman Municipality of Hoogeveen
This session will describe the journey of two municipalities who have both been on a journey of becoming child-friendly. Leeds, a large city in the north of the UK and Hoogeveen, a smaller town in the Netherlands have both committed to become child-friendly. For the past four years, we have been working closely together to…
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Brid Featherstone, Professor of Social Work at the University of Huddersfield
Brid Featherstone, Professor of Social Work at the University of Huddersfield
This presentation will explore the need for a new story about the relationship between poverty, child abuse and neglect.  Using the findings from a large scale study in the UK, it will highlight the problems with the current story which locates the harms children experience within an individualised frame that focuses on the actions and…
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Amelia Gunn, the Children & Families directorate, Leeds City Council
Amelia Gunn, the Children & Families directorate, Leeds City Council
Addressing child poverty in local communities in Leeds. Session outline: In Leeds, there is a desire to change the way that individuals and organisations work together to improve the lives of children who live in poverty. A large part of this was changing the ways that organisations both work together, and work with children and…
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Cherie Morgan, head of Strategy and Development at Play Scotland
Cherie Morgan, head of Strategy and Development at Play Scotland
Cherie Morgan  is head of Strategy and Development at Play Scotland, the national organisation for play in Scotland.  Her role is to work with local authorities and partners to develop strategy and policy that will improve children’s opportunities for play in their local community. Cherie is the Project Manager coordinating the development of the two…
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Kerry McKenzie, Organizational Lead for Child Poverty in NHS Health Scotland
Kerry McKenzie, Organizational Lead for Child Poverty in NHS Health Scotland
Local Child Poverty Action Reports in Scotland – learning from the first year. The Child Poverty (Scotland) 2017 Act  requires local authorities and NHS Boards to jointly produce a local child poverty action report (LCPAR) annually. The first round of reports were published in Summer 2019. A group of national partner organisations is working together…
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Eva De Baerdemaeker, founder Cultureghem
Eva De Baerdemaeker, founder Cultureghem
Cultureghem is a social profit organisation that initiated the KETMET project. It transforms a privately owned, cultural heritage site, Abattoir in Brussels, on a weekly basis into a playground for all. Abattoir organises the biggest markets of Brussels, selling the cheapest food, in the Cureghem neighborhood, also known as an arrival city for newcomers. Every…
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Ayushi Rawat, PhD student, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
Ayushi Rawat, PhD student, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
The meta-narratives of poverty often invisibilize child poverty. Children are commonly viewed as sub-sets of families, rather than individuals in their own rights. Child poverty becomes acute in contexts where children are vulnerable to violence and abuse. This paper is based on the primary data collected by the author during her Masters thesis on the…
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Penny Lawrence, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at the University of Roehampton, London
Penny Lawrence, Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at the University of Roehampton, London
How do children in early childhood experience walking and staying for any time on the streets of their city? An impoverished environment does not come from low-income alone but from a passivity, hardness or even forbidding quality. How can it invite and engage? Children and adults walking and staying out to spend time contribute to…
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Danielle Denk, The Trust for Public Land
Danielle Denk, The Trust for Public Land
Underserved urban communities experience lower levels of health, educational opportunities, climate resiliency, and civic empowerment as a result of poverty, social disinvestment, and the inequitable distribution of resources. The Trust for Public Land is a US nonprofit with a mission to connect people to nature. Our vision is for every child in underserved urban communities…
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Ana Isabel Garrido Martinez
Ana Isabel Garrido Martinez
Poverty in Madrid: An Analysis From Children, Youth and Families Perspective. Innovative Ideas to Solve It in the City. This presentation aims to provide a detailed overview of the current situation of poverty for children, youth and their families in Madrid.  First of all, it will be examined from a governmental/ institutional approach, and how…
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Martin Ruhrmann, Youth Welfare Office of the City of Dortmund - Office for Child and Youth Interests
Martin Ruhrmann, Youth Welfare Office of the City of Dortmund - Office for Child and Youth Interests
Dortmund’s Social City Action Plan Dortmund is a major city with over 600.000 inhabitants. As it has been shaped by structural change, child poverty is one of its central social challenges. Dortmund is a spatially socially divided city. Almost every third child under the age of 15 is dependent on state support. In some districts…
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Wendy Stone, Associate Professor in Housing and Social Policy at the Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia
Wendy Stone, Associate Professor in Housing and Social Policy at the Centre for Urban Transitions, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne Australia
Despite 30 years of sustained economic growth increasing numbers of citizens in the highly privatised home ownership society of Australia live in poverty. This paper seeks to illuminate and account for the increasing proportion of these who are children by relating this phenomenon to wider processes of urbanism and welfare state transition. The paper draws…
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Adélaïde Boëlle, founder Architecture In Vivo
Adélaïde Boëlle, founder Architecture In Vivo
Riccardo Dalisi, the Italian architect and designer, invested his time in the early 70s in street workshops in the segregated neighbourhood of Traiano in Naples. For 4 years, he provided poor children out of the education system with representation tools to transform public spaces. The young Neapolitans expressed and emancipated themselves artistically with mock-ups, constructions…
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Dagmar Kostihová, Social Care Department of the Brno City Municipality
Dagmar Kostihová, Social Care Department of the Brno City Municipality
In Brno, there is about 12 to 15 thousand of inhabitants who are in the situation of social exclusion (which is 2 thousand endangered families). In 2015, 250 children were taken from parental care and there were 52 families in material need. Insufficient intensity of direct work with dysfunctional and incomplete families and considerable fragmentation…
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Hanna McCulloch, National Coordinator for Local Child Poverty Action Reports, the Improvement Service
Hanna McCulloch, National Coordinator for Local Child Poverty Action Reports, the Improvement Service
Local Child Poverty Action Reports in Scotland – learning from the first year. The Child Poverty (Scotland) 2017 Act  requires local authorities and NHS Boards to jointly produce a local child poverty action report (LCPAR) annually. The first round of reports were published in Summer 2019. A group of national partner organisations is working together…
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Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive of Play Scotland
Marguerite Hunter Blair, Chief Executive of Play Scotland
Play Scotland in Partnership with A Place in Childhood are developing two Place Standard Tools, one for Children and one for Young People. By improving the quality of places and identifying the opportunities we have access to can help tackle spatial and social inequalities. The new Tools will be developed by November and we will…
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Céline Royer-Pruvost, Territorial officer at the City of Lille
Céline Royer-Pruvost, Territorial officer at the City of Lille
The City of Lille is part of the European project Restore, which works on restorative practices. Its objective is to make school a safe place for learning, where all the people involved are encouraged to progress and to live well (“bien vivre” also means well-being) together, and to feel they belong to a community no…
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Jochen Schneider, Social Scientist Department of Work, Health, Social Affairs and Sports and Recreation of the city of Dortmund
Jochen Schneider, Social Scientist Department of Work, Health, Social Affairs and Sports and Recreation of the city of Dortmund
Dortmund’s Social City Action Plan Dortmund is a major city with over 600.000 inhabitants. As it has been shaped by structural change, child poverty is one of its central social challenges. Dortmund is a spatially socially divided city. Almost every third child under the age of 15 is dependent on state support. In some districts…
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Korinna Lindinger, TU Wien, Centre of Sociology/Institute for Spatial Planning and Architecture
Korinna Lindinger, TU Wien, Centre of Sociology/Institute for Spatial Planning and Architecture
The Austrian education system is characterized by early selection and strong stratification. This has codified a social selection of children in public schooling, which becomes particularly effectual in urban places. The governance structures of schooling and city planning are typically hindering rather than stimulating cooperation between educational institutions. With the “Bildungsgrätzl” concept, the city of…
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Amelia Smith, Impact and Evaluation Manager at Buttle UK
Amelia Smith, Impact and Evaluation Manager at Buttle UK
 As an organisation, we provide the resources that allow children and young people in poverty to have the same access as their peers, working with several hundred referral organisations across cities in the UK (including local authority social workers, charity support workers, NHS staff and school staff). We recently conducted a study of over 1200…
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