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Topic: Children

Vote play, vote to stay

There are good practical reasons for play advocates to vote ‘remain’, but perhaps, suggests Adrian Voce, none of these matter. The play movement is innately open and inclusive; the opposite of the leave campaign’s main...Read more
|Comment|author: Adrian Voce

No cars allowed: The Ghent Living Street experiment

Lab van Troje, a local non-profit organization in Ghent, Belgium is preparing a fourth generation of ‘Living Streets’: an experimental project that invites citizens to conceive and implement more sustainable and livable solutions for the...Read more
|Comment|author: Sven De Visscher

How to teach architecture to children

What are the important elements of successful architecture teaching for children? This is clearly an important question for teachers planning any kind of academic workshops in architecture for children. Recent studies In Turkey, have shown...Read more
|Comment|author: Burcu Gülay Taşçı

5 ways you can help children of alcoholics

The effects of alcohol consumption in the family can go beyond the user, and spread to friends and family. Very often, children in the family are especially affected, since they rarely have the chance to...Read more
|Comment|author: Vasilka Lalevska

Biophilic cities: don’t forget the buildings!

Many recent movements have promoted the greening of cities and connecting children and families to nature. A growing body of research tells us that nature provides many benefits, including increased health and well-being. In participatory...Read more
|Comment|author: Victoria Derr

Wales leads the way in legislating for play

Young children have the enviable ability to turn almost anything, anywhere into play. So if children’s play just happens, why should national government intervene?  Across much of the world, children’s opportunities for outdoor free play, and...Read more
|1 comment|author: Jenny Wood