What big data tells us about our neighbourhoods

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Just because we have all the necessary amenities in the places we live doesn’t mean we’re happy. What makes a place a community is far more than bricks and mortar and services. Imagine a place that... Read more
31.12.18 | Comment | author: Lucinda Hartley

11 key readings on children’s data and privacy online

The almost daily news stories on data privacy and data breaches – including those affecting children – raise urgent questions as everyday activities and actions generate data that are recorded, tracked,  collated, analysed and monetised... Read more
28.12.18 | Comment | author: Sonia Livingstone, Mariya Stoilova and Rishita Nandagiri

What does a great teacher look like?

Teachers with a strong belief in their own ability to ‘get the job done’ have the biggest impact on a student’s learning.  It’s well-known that teachers have the biggest influence on student learning over any other... Read more
27.12.18 | Comment | author: Ruth Aston, Professor Janet Clinton, Georgia Dawson and Myra Koelle

Walking the city at 95cm high

During the week of October 15th, the city of Bogotá was host to the urban walkability event Walk21. It included a series of panels and workshops on how to encourage cities to be friendly and... Read more
26.12.18 | Comment | author: Fundación casa de la infancia

500,000 children in UK to receive mental health support

At the start of 2019, in the UK there will be new Mental Health Support Teams available to cater to more than 470,000 children and young people. The teams will operate in 25 different areas and... Read more
25.12.18 | Comment | author: Julia Zvobgo

10 ideas to transform the future of public spaces

African public spaces are complex, especially so against the backdrop of fast urbanising cities and increasing socio-economic volatility. Public space in South Africa was, and in some instances still remains, a contentious issue due to apartheid spatial planning... Read more
24.12.18 | Comment | author: Future Cape Town

A preschool approach imported from Italy comes to public schools in Denver

Boulder Journey School feels different from most other child care centers almost as soon as you walk through the door. In the hallways, there’s a kid-sized mail-sorting station, a giant metal spaceship trimmed with white... Read more
21.12.18 | Comment | author: Ann Schimke


Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross have updated fairy tale Goldilocks in order to help educate children on how to use social media responsibly. The new #Goldilocks book marks the launch of the Digital Parenting website for... Read more
20.12.18 | Comment | author: Julia Zvobgo